Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I've been vaccinated, boosted, had Covid (the BA5 version we think,) and thankfully recovered without any long term issues. We have had a family friend move in this past December to go through their chemo treatments in Raleigh. He will be here through February, possibly March depending on how everything plays out. All, that to say if you see an extra car in the lot, don't worry, come on in.
Inflation has been a hardship and although I've kept my prices pretty stable for quite a long time, I need to increase them in 2023 to keep up with the rising costs of everything. It will now be $130 for a half-session (45-60 minutes) and $180 for a full-session (75-90 minutes.) Seniors will keep the old rate.
On a professional note, I'm taking several classes this year. In the middle of January, I will be taking some time off to take the second Cranial-Sacral class with the Upledger Institute in Saint Louis. At the end of April I hope to take another Rolfing continuing education workshop in Claymont with Bill Marrow. I am continuing to study with an online PT Sarah Duvall and I highly recommend her videos to help people develop a deeper relationship with their own structure and to find solutions you can do at home to help you get stronger and more supported in your own body. She is really good at detailed instructions to help you better understand the how and why different joints work the way they do, and for that reason you might want to check her out as a resource: https://www.coreexercisesolutions.com/
On a personal note, we did get a rottweiler puppy this year back in March. Her name is Ruby. Promptly after bringing her home, she found a seven week old kitten living in a flower pot in the front yard. Now, many months later, we also have a gray teenage cat living with us named Smalls. Smalls for all intents and purposes has thumbs. He and Ruby work in tandem to relocate my things. Smalls knocking an item to the floor so that Ruby can carry it off to hide somewhere in the house. Sadie, our Malinois rescue has been remarkable tolerant of the teens. It's been an adventure but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all the best health and happiness in the New Year!