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India and My Hands

Lisa Barr

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

For those of you who come regularly, you're probably aware that I've been having inflammation in the joints of my hands. I've been unable to get it under control with diet, or PT exercises. I'm beginning to think it may be physiological in nature. I am exploring all the options and I've started seeing a rheumatologist. We should have some more answers next week. If not what the potential causes are, then at least we will know, what they are not. I will keep everyone posted via the blog.

However, because I haven't been able to get the discomfort and inflammation under control, I've decided to take some time away from the table. I know most of you have heard me ask the question, "Is there anything that makes the pain worse?" Followed shortly by, "Is there any way you can do less of that while we are working to heal it?"

I've decided to take my own advice. Working with my hands seems to make the pain worse, and so I'll be out of the office for almost three weeks in November, and I plan to tour the national parks of southern India. I'm very excited about this trip! I've been wanting to visit India since I was a small child, and knowing that I will not rest my hands if I stay in town, I've decided this is the year to address that longing.

What this means for everyone else: Currently I'm not taking on new patients, and my schedule is packed until February of 2024. I will do my best to accomodate all my current clients, and hope you will be patient with me as I figure out how I'm going to move forward.

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